West Moberly DWB LP
https://www.dwbconsulting.caAbout Us
Formed in 2019, West Moberly DWB LP brings a wide variety of professional consulting services to the West Moberly Corporate Alliance. We are a dynamic, multidisciplinary consulting firm that specializes in offering a full suite of value-added environmental, engineering, and forestry services in Northern BC.
Our team includes Professional Engineers (PEng), Professional Biologists (RPBio), Professional Agrologists (PAg), Professional Foresters (RPF), and Professionals in Sediment/Erosion Control (CPESC). Of course, we are a dynamic company and continually diversifying our product mix in order to better meet the growing demands of our clients. Throughout the year, our group maintains a strong roster of full-time and seasonal staff, averaging 70–120 employees. We also have an outstanding safety record and are Safe Company Certified and ISNetworld Safety Certified.
At West Moberly DWB LP, our core values of integrity, community, and service are inherent in everything we do. When conducting business with us, our clients can expect these same values will be applied consistently towards all aspects of our work. We also appreciate that being a successful business carries the responsibility to give back to our partners and the communities we work in. Accordingly, West Moberly DWB LP strives to create shared value for West Moberly First Nation and local municipalities through our corporate support for various training, employment, and community investment initiatives.
History and experience
West Moberly DWB LP’s leadership has been building relationships with Indigenous communities in BC since 1990. Although our industry has changed since then, our commitment to Indigenous and local communities has not. Today, we continue to recognize and respect the traditional territories of Indigenous groups in the areas our company operates.
Finally, our leadership team’s thirty-years of project experience spans across the engineering, environmental, and forestry sectors to more recently include oil, gas, mining, mapping, and drafting expertise. Our growth and skillsets in each of these service areas has prepared West Moberly DWB LP to confront emerging challenges related to climate change, while creating new opportunities in the renewable and environmental reclamation spaces. Our forward thinking approach means we have the talent and the vision to meet all of our client’s expectations.
What We Offer
- BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure – Tuck Inlet Road
- Operational Framework for Woodland Caribou Habitat Restoration in British Columbia
- Forbes Industrial Contractors – Fort Nelson River Bridge Highway 77